Once your artwork has been photographed we will digitally process the image to match colour, texture and detail as closely as possible to the original. The human eye can see more colours than any digital device but the number of inks used by our printers give them a bigger colour gamut and gets them as close as possible to the original.
To accurately match the colours we need to have your artwork in the studio to compare with the image.
We can also adjust the image as requested by the artist – remove marks, show/remove texture etc.

Next, an A4 proof is printed and we invite the artist to come and compare proof with their original.
Full size proofs can be done but will be charged at print prices.
Each different substrate is displays colours differently and for each new surface required a new colour match must be completed.
Once the artist has confirmed they are satisfied with the image it is backed up at the highest dpi ready for printing. This produces an image with high colour-depth, tonal range and detail.
Once you have approved the image, a copy will be saved on our server free of charge so you can re-order prints without further set up costs.
We can also e-mail it to you at a lower resolution for use on websites/social media.
If providing your own files we can print direct from them with no set up cost. Please note that Babbabing are not responsible for colour accuracy as we cannot see the original.
We recommend ordering a proof if you are unsure how the print will look. Any colour adjustments or changes can be discussed with you if necessary and, once the changes have been made, we will create another proof. All this is will be charged for at the Set Up & Proof fee. Additional proof prints or full size proofs will be charged accordingly.

When submitting your own files:
Upload as 16-bit or 8-bit flattened TIFF or JPEG
Resolution preferably needs to be 360ppi or 300ppi at final print size (the higher the resolution the better the print quality)
Needs to be ProPhoto RGB, Adobe RGB (1998) or sRGB (please convert if CMYK)
Crop the image to the actual print size allowing at least 3mm for borders (prints are based on the paper size, not the image size)
If you have any queries send us an e-mail and we will do our best to help.
If you want Babbabing to store your files for future prints just let us know.
by Gail Townsend